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Online Sex Therapy and Sex Addiction Therapy in California
  • + Are We Actually Attracted to People Who Remind Us of Our Parents? Experts Say, Uh, Yeah

    “Lozano says that you don’t need to even see a parent or guardian on a very regular basis for them to have an impact on your partner preferences as an adolescent or adult. In fact, the absence of a parent or guardian can have a ‘huge, if not more profound’ impact on a person as they navigate relationships and dating.” - Read the full article from Cosmopolitan.

    + Massage Candles Are the Thing Missing From Your Sex Life

    “‘‘A massage candle is specifically formulated to melt at lower temperatures compared to standard candle wax,’ says licensed therapist Christene Lozano, founder of online sex therapy service Meraki Counseling.” - Read the full article from Cosmopolitan.

    + 3 Ways to Try the Coital Alignment Technique Sex Position from ‘Sex/Life’

    Read the full article from Cosmopolitan.

    + “Prioridating” Might Be the Key to Finding Long-Term Love

    “…Relationship therapist Christene Lozano, LMFT, says it can lead to a more rewarding connection as well. “Your well-being is the foundation of any healthy relationship. You set the stage for what you welcome into your life.’” - Read the full article from Cosmopolitan.

    + What Is the Hanky Code?

    “While hanky code can go by many names (including handkerchief code, bandana code, or flagging), the term refers to a system of signaling your interest in certain sexual interests and fetishes by wearing or tucking a bandana of a certain color into your left or right pocket… according to Christene Lozano, certified sex addiction therapist and LMFT at Meraki Counseling.” - Read the full article from Cosmopolitan.

  • + Breath Play Is a Popular Form of BDSM. Here’s How to Do It Safely

    “‘The giver should be exquisitely sensitive to the nuances and subtleties of the receiver's responses and feedback,’ says Lozano.” - Read the full article from Men’s Health.

    + Dating as a Single Parent: 8 Leading Experts Share Their Best Advice

    “While waiting until a few dates in may be tempting, Lozano cautions against it. ‘The sooner you share it, the more time you and the other person can save if that happens to be a non-negotiable for them,’ she explains.” - Read the full article from Men’s Health.

    + 18 Signs Your Partner Might Be Cheating, According to Infidelity Experts

    “If your partner gets defensive when you express curiosity about their behavior, versus showing compassion if you’re confused, this also might be a sign, Lozano says.” - Read the full article from Men’s Health.

  • + 28 Winter Date Ideas For Couples Who Are Done With Netflix And Chilling

    “‘Whether virtually or through an option that allows for physical distance, being able to have the shared experience of giving back to others can promote connectedness—it's a win/win!’ says Christene Lozano, LMFT, certified sex addiction therapist, specializing in sexual health and relationships.” - Read the full article from Women’s Health.

  • + The Millennials in Sexless Marriages

    “Many factors can lead to a sexless or low-sex marriage. If there’s a ‘desire discrepancy’, as California-based sex therapist Christene Lozano puts it, that imbalance can grow over time if the couple doesn’t do a good job of addressing it.” - Read the full article from BBC.

  • + How Often Couples Should Have Sex, According to 3 Sex Therapists

    “Lozano suggests practicing introspection, curiosity, and exploring your sexuality and sexual desires to become more familiar with your body.” - Read the full article from Insider.

    + Most Claims About the Health Benefits of Orgasms for Women Are False — Here Are the Ones Backed by Science

    “‘The pelvic floor contracts and relaxes during orgasm, therefore, an orgasm can be similar to a mini kegel session,’ says Christene Lozano, a licensed marriage, family, and sex addiction therapist.” - Read the full article from Insider.

  • + I Didn’t Start Masturbating Until After I Turned 30

    “‘In my practice, some common reasons people may not masturbate include guilt and/or shame for masturbating due to family of origin; culture; religion; lack of body awareness and/or disconnected from the body; and boundaries with a romantic partner.’” - Read the full article from Allure.

  • + 5 Damaging Effects That Children of Alcoholics May Endure

    “Christene Lozano, a licensed marriage and family therapist and certified sex addiction therapist, emphasizes the corrosive effects of alcoholism on children's self-esteem.” - Read the full article from WebMD.

    + 7 Signs of Codeine Addiction You Probably Didn't Know

    “‘…they may conceal their use or the gravity of their use to loved ones.’ explains Christene Lozano, MS LMFT at Meraki Counseling. ‘This may increase guilt, shame, secrecy, and isolation, which can perpetuate their codeine use.’” - Read the full article from WebMD.

  • + Finding Love on a Cruise

    “Christene Lozano, a certified sex therapist, said when travelers are away from their day-to-day grind, they may feel more relaxed and open to meeting someone ‘because you don’t have stress, anxiety, work, school just weighing you down.’” - Read the full article from USA TODAY.

  • + Why People Love Breakup Songs Even When They’re In Happy Relationships

    “‘Music can be a powerful tool in allowing us to access our emotions,’ said marriage and family therapist Christene Lozano…” - Read the full article from HuffPost.

  • + Are People Who Don't Like Cuddling a Bunch of Freaks?

    "'Fear of physical contact is common to abuse survivors', says Christene Lozano, a licensed marriage and family therapist in Glendora, California." - Read the full article from Vice.

  • + What Is A 'Pornosexual?' The New Sexual Orientation For Those Who Watch Porn, And Shun Real Sex

    "‘The convenience of getting off online without the potential work, vulnerability, intimacy, and connection with others can be appealing to some,' Christene Lozano, a licensed marriage and family therapist... told Medical Daily." - Read the full article from Medical Daily.

  • + Experts Debunk New Survey Claiming Watching Adult Videos Causes ED

    “Christene Lozano, a therapist who specializes in sexual health and relationships, says the recent research aligns with the theory of porn-induced erectile dysfunction (PIED), but she doesn’t believe it’s comprehensive enough.” - Read the full article from Healthline.

  • + What Exactly Is Orgasmic Meditation?

    "'Orgasmic meditation is a type of meditative practice that essentially integrates bringing your full awareness and attention into the present moment along with the connected experience of orgasm, though orgasm may or may not occur,' explains Christene Lozano, LMFT, who specializes in sex addiction and sexual health." - Read the full article from Shape.

  • + Sexpert-Approved Ways to Tease Your Partner in Bed

    “‘Sexual teasing increases attraction for many due to the notion: love seeks closeness, desire seeks distance,’ Christene Lozano, LMFT, a certified sex addiction therapist and licensed marriage and family therapist, tells Bustle.” - Read the full article from Bustle.

    + Why Do I Want To Cheat On My Partner? What Your Desire Really Means

    "Though 'I want to cheat' is that last thing anyone wants to hear from their partner, sharing this desire could decrease the chances of it actually happening', Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist Christene Lozano tells Bustle." - Read the full article from Bustle.

    + If You Have a Disorganized Attachment Style, Here’s How to Overcome It

    “‘Christene Lozano, certified sex therapist and founder of Meraki Counseling, characterizes disorganized attachment as being somewhat chaotic or ‘consistently inconsistent’ in relationships (especially romantic ones).” - Read the full article from Bustle.

    + 8 Interesting Signs Your Parents Might Get Divorced

    "'One subtle sign that someone's parents are likely to get divorced is if their parents strictly discuss much more business-related topics, like paying the bills,' says Christene Lozano, LMFT..." - Read the full article from Bustle.

    + 8 Signs Your Siblings Are Toxic & You Might Need To Take A Step Back

    "'This is when your sibling is highly judgmental and overly critical of you,' says Christene Lozano, LMFT." - Read the full article from Bustle.

  • + Porn-induced Erectile Dysfunction – Can Porn Cause ED?

    “‘It may not be accurate to simply conclude that excessive porn leads to ED, but rather, one’s relationship to porn and the meaning they make around what they are viewing may contribute to ED…’ - Christene Lozano, Certified Sex Therapist and Sex Addiction Therapist” - Read the full article from Between Us Clinic.

    + How to Overcome Sexual Performance Anxiety and Erectile Dysfunction

    “Certified sex therapist, Christene Lozano explains, ‘Unfortunately, many men receive their sex education through pornography and movies, which often are inaccurate representations of how sex can be in real life (e.g, awkward moments, funny noises and smells, and erections difficulties)…’” - Read the full article from Between Us Clinic.

  • + 24 Tips for Fighting Without Without Destroying Your Relationship

    "'While it can be easier to blame your partner, challenge yourself by reflecting on how you may be contributing to the conflict...' - Christene Lozano, licensed marriage and family therapist..” - Read the full article from Rebook.

  • + What Exactly Constitutes Emotional Cheating?

    “‘Emotional cheating can be viewed as the breaking of trust that occurs when one keeps intimate, meaningful secrets from their primary romantic partner,’ says Christene Lozano, a California-based psychotherapist who specializes in sex and relationship therapy.” - Read the full article from Mic.

  • + 4 Unrealistic Expectations In Relationships You Probably Don’t Even Know You’re Setting

    “‘Another common unrealistic expectation I’ve seen couples place on each other is that their partner expresses and receives love the same way they do,’ says Lozano…” - Read the full article from The Zoe Report.

  • + 15 Ways You Can Actually Make an Open Marriage Work

    Read the full article from BestLife.

    + 20 Relationship Warning Signs Smart Couples Never Ignore

    Read the full article from BestLife.

  • + This Is How Sex Changes Once You Move in With Your Partner

    “Lozano says ‘I encourage each partner to look inward to better understand their own sexual desires and share this with their partner.’” - Read the full article from Hello Giggles.

  • + 11 Habits Of Couples In Strong, Long-Term Relationships

    "'Recognize your part in arguments,' Christene Lozano, a licensed marriage and family therapist and certified sex addiction therapist candidate, tells Romper via email." - Read the full article from Romper.

  • + SEX FILES: Learning to Shed the Imposter Syndrome

    “‘Oftentimes, ‘impostors’ are very self-critical and focus on perceived flaws within themselves. Confirmation bias is typical, as the person subconsciously scans their environment to find evidence to confirm they are inadequate,’ says Christene Lozano, a certified sex addiction therapist and licensed marriage & family therapist.” - Read the full article from Toronto Sun.

    + SEX FILES: Gossip Is So Cruel and Toxic - Just Ask Jada and Will

    “In order for the separation time to be productive and healing for a couple, Lozano recommends individual therapy for each partner. ‘Therapy can provide a space for each person to do a deep dive into their own internal world and better understand themselves, as this is the foundation to how they will show up in their relationship,’” - Read the full article from Toronto Sun

  • + Stealthing is Rape. Period: #NowWhat

    “'Gay [male] victims are already marginalized and often do not report sexual assaults for fear of further shaming and blaming,' Christene Lozano, licensed marriage family therapist, explains." - Read the full article from Ecosalon.

  • + The Confluence of Pain and Change - A Conversation

    “‘We are often propelled to change when there is a hot enough fire under our ass to do so. Some folks decide they would rather live in a familiar hell than an unfamiliar heaven because uncertainty is understandably anxiety provoking.’” - Read the full article from Medium.

  • + All Women Need to Know These Warning Signs of Abuse

    “‘There is a cycle of violence/abuse that is common in abusive relationships,’ explains Christene Lozano of Meraki Counseling, ‘the honeymoon period, the tension building phase, and the explosion (violence), then circling back to the honeymoon period. It is a vicious cycle.’” - Read the full article from Verily.

  • + This Is Why More Women Are Proposing Than Ever Before

    "The answer to this question is mostly what you would expect, says Christene Lozano, a licensed marriage and family therapist." - Read the full article from Brit + Co.

  • + Things Women Think They Want in a Man - but They Don't

    "Christene Lozano, a licensed marriage and family therapist, told me, 'Some women may want their man to spend all of his free time with her. While quality time is important for every relationship, there needs to be a balance..'" - Read the full article from The List.

    + Small Ways You Can Be a Better Friend

    "Christene Lozano, licensed marriage and family therapist, told me via email that asking questions is one tiny thing that you can do to be a better friend." - Read the full article from The List.